Each year on August 31st, individuals and organizations from Halton and around the world mark International Overdose Awareness Day as a time to honour the lives of those lost to drug poisoning and to support those closest to them.  

The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) reports that instances of fatal and non-fatal drug poisoning continue to rise locally and elsewhere. Between January 1st until July 31st, HRPS officers responded to close to 250 known or suspected drug poisonings involving either illicit substances, prescription drugs, and/or over-the-counter medications – one more than over the same period in 2023.

Close to half of all reported drug poisonings involved men and women between the ages of 18 and 34. Eighteen people (of all ages) did not survive. While this figure is down from 28 at this time last year, it remains too high.

“The safety and well-being of those we serve remains the number one priority of our Service and our members,” said Inspector Raf Skwarka, who leads HRPS’ internal Overdose Coordination Group. “In addition to our own internal and external programming, we continue to work closely with our valued partners in the field to effectively and empathetically address the opioid crisis facing our region and beyond. We are here 24/7/365 to help.”

New PSA for Parents and Guardians Launches Today

In addition to releasing its latest annual statistics, and as part of its ongoing efforts to educate community members about harm reduction, the Service today released its latest public service announcement. Timed with the hectic and ‘to-do’-filled back-to-school season, the short video focuses on the questions that teenagers have about drugs, and calls upon those in positions of authority and trust to have what may be uncomfortable or difficult – but vital – conversations with them, as doing so can save lives.

“This time of year, parents often worry about school uniforms or the latest phone to buy,” said Inspector Skwarka. “Our ask is that they find time to talk to their kids about drugs and to always keep the door to meaningful and non-judgmental dialogue with them – on any topic, open.”

The video is available for viewing/sharing across HRPS’ social media platforms: X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and here. Included is a link to the Service’s dedicated Drug Poisoning Awareness webpage, which features important information on topics like:

The signs of drug poisoning: Difficulty walking, talking, or staying awake, blue lips or nails, very small pupils, cold and clammy skin, dizziness and confusion, extreme drowsiness, choking, gurgling, or snoring sounds, slow, weak or no breathing are all indicators of an overdose.

How to respond: An overdose is a medical emergency. Administer Naloxone if you have it and call 9-1-1 right away. Frontline police officers and other first responders in Halton carry and are trained to administer this life-saving first medicine. In fact, HRPS officers and others have done so more than 60 times so far this year.

The Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act: The 2017 law provides legal protections for anyone seeking emergency support during an overdose, including the person experiencing the overdose. No one – whether they stay or leave the scene – will be charged for offences such as simple possession or breach of conditions regarding simple possession of controlled substances for summoning help.

Safer use: Never use alone or at the same time as another person. Always carry naloxone, which can temporarily reverse an opioid overdose until the individual can be transported to hospital for treatment. These vital first aid kits are available free-of-charge and no questions asked at Halton Region Harm Reduction Services (Exchange Works), Halton Region Sexual Health clinics, HRPS Central Lock-Up, through Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team and Community Mobilization police officers, and most pharmacies.

As the quality of street drugs is unpredictable and any drug can be cut with (or contaminated by) other agents or drugs which can be fatal in very minute amounts, go slow. Know your tolerance and always use a small sample of a drug first to check its strength.


Due to the possibility of opioid contamination or poisoning, it is recommended that naloxone be used in all suspected drug poisonings.

Download the App: As an added measure of safety, download and install the Brave App, which is available for iPhone and Android devices. It connects people at risk of overdose with help they need: an ally to talk to, a human supporter to stay safe, and digital monitoring technology to help when someone is in danger. The Brave App is not a substitute for calling 9-1-1.

*Note: This data should be considered preliminary and is subject to change.

Media Inquiries:

Halton Regional Police Service
Media Relations
Phone: 905-825-4777 ext. 4899
Email: corpcomm@haltonpolice.ca