Emergencies can happen at any time and without warning so it is important to be prepared. Understanding the risks in your area, creating a household emergency plan and having an emergency kit will allow you to respond quickly and help keep you safe.
Know the Risks
Knowing the potential risks associated with the kinds of emergencies specific to your community is the first step to keeping yourself and loved ones safe. Examples of emergency situations that may occur in Halton include:
- Power outage
- Flood
- Severe storm (e.g. wind, ice, snow, etc.)
- Tornado
- Pandemic
- Civil (e.g. active attacker, terrorist, etc.)
Additional details pertaining to the Region of Halton can be found here:
Have a Plan
If an emergency happens in your community, it may take emergency responders some time to aid you. You should have a plan and be prepared to address your and your family's for a minimum of 72 hours.
Things to Consider When Creating Your Plan:
- Safe exits from your home and neighbourhood
- Meeting places to reunite with family or roommates
- Designated person to pick up children should you be unavailable
- Contact persons close-by and out-of-town
- Health and insurance information
- Places for your pet to stay
- Risks in your region
- Location of your fire extinguisher, water valve, electrical panel, gas valve, and floor drain
A personalized emergency plan can be created online here:
Click here for a video with tips on how to make an effective plan:
Get an Emergency Kit
During an emergency, you may be without necessities for some duration. An emergency kit should contain basic items which will allow you to endure the situation for an extended period of time. The following are examples of items that should be a part of your emergency kit:
- Water
- Food
- Can opener
- Flashlight (wind-up or battery-powered)
- Radio (wind-up or battery-powered)
- First aid kit
- Cash
- Important family documents
- Emergency plan
A comprehensive checklist of items to be included in your emergency kit can be found here:
Click here for a video which details how to build an emergency kit:
Emergency Preparedness in Halton
Get Prepared (Government of Canada)
Your Emergency Preparedness Guide
Three Steps to Emergency Preparedness Brochure
Pocket Guide to Emergencies
Hazards and Emergencies
Emergency Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities
Severe Storms
Power Outages
Emergency Preparedness for Farm Animals
Contact Information
Cst. Steve Elms #5472
Emergency Planner
905-825-4777 ext. 5267