Receiving a traffic ticket for offences such as speeding, failing to stop, or distracted driving can be a difficult experience. Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) officers issue tickets in the hope that they may prevent you or someone else from being involved or injured in an accident.

How to settle a ticket

After receiving a ticket, there are three ways to settle it. Review each option and select the one that fits your particular situation.

You can pay the ticket within 15 days of the infraction.

Pay your ticket online

Tickets can also be paid in person at any POA Court in the Province of Ontario.

You can dispute the ticket by booking an Early Resolution Meeting. The prosecutor may reduce the speed, fine, or offence if you plead guilty to the ticket.

Everyone has a right to a trial. If you wish to argue the ticket, you need to ask for a trial in person at a courthouse.

Why do we enforce traffic laws?

The objective of traffic enforcement is to encourage drivers to voluntarily comply with traffic laws for the safety of all.