Home security systems are a great way to help protect yourself and your loved ones. They also help deter would-be criminals. Did you know that the Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) responds to all activated alarms, including false alarms where you or a family member accidently sets off the alarm system? These false alarms take up officers' time and take them away from other patrol duties.
Our revised Alarm Program (effective June 15, 2023) no longer allows residents/business owners to register their premises for alarm response at a discounted rate. Premises will no longer be subject to a suspension from the program, which will allow our officers to continue to provide outstanding protection and service. All cost recovery fees will be charged directly to the Alarm Monitoring Stations representing the premise owners.
False Alarm |
A false alarm is an alarm call for service in which police determine the alarm was caused by anything other than a criminal offence, medical or fire emergency. |
Cost Recovery |
Halton Regional Police Service will invoice the Alarm Monitoring Station representing the premises a fee of $197.75 ($175.00 + $22.75 HST) for all alarms requesting a police dispatch which are found to be false. |
Appeals |
The False Alarm Coordinator will deal directly with Alarm Monitoring Stations regarding appeal applications. In the event of an appeal, you may forward all relevant information to your alarm provider. If the alarm is valid, meaning a break & enter, theft, mischief, property damage, etc. has occurred, it is expected that the home owner or business contact the HRPS immediately for an officer to attend and have a report completed. |
Alarm System Owner Responsibilities |
Owning or operating an alarm system comes with many responsibilities which are often forgotten or neglected.
Preventing False Alarms |
If you are experiencing issues with your system, contact your Alarm Monitoring Company immediately. False alarms are a tremendous drain on police resources.
Purchasing an Alarm System - Checklist |
It is important for consumers to do their homework prior to purchasing an alarm system.
Information for Alarm Companies |
We no longer require alarm systems to be pre-registered and no annual fee will be charged with Halton Regional Police Service. If an alarm event should occur at a premise where no permit number currently exists, we will issue a permit number at that time and advise the monitoring station of the new permit number.
By-Law 2020-3 Please feel free to contact us at: Phone: 905-825-4747 ext. 5208 |
Frequently Asked Questions |
I am currently registered for the alarm program. How does the removal of alarm registrations impact me?
Until your registration comes up for renewal there will be no changes that impact you (i.e. you will be charged the registered rates per the historical plan). Once your year-long registration expires, there is no option to renew. Officers will still attend, should an alarm be activated. Who would the Halton Regional Police Service recommend for an Alarm Monitoring Company? Halton Regional Police Service will not recommend any specific Alarm Monitoring Company. However, we will advise those interested to obtain quotes from different companies to compare and evaluate based on your needs. Are Residential and Commercial Premises going to be charged the same rate? Yes, both will be charged $197.75 ($175.00 + $22.75 HST). |
Contact Information
For more information about the Alarm Program contact:
Alarm Coordinator
Phone: 905-825-4747 ext. 5208
Email: Alarm.Coordinator@haltonpolice.ca