Prepare for the PREP
In order to become a Police Constable, applicants must pass the Police Readiness Evaluation for Police (PREP) test. Our Service hosts monthly practice sessions at Mohawk College in Hamilton to help you assess your fitness level and conquer the tests.
Pursuit Restraint Circuit |
The Pursuit Restraint Circuit is a total distance of 100m and consists of:
In order to pass the test, applicants must complete the circuit in 2 minutes and 37 seconds, or less. |
20-Metre Shuttle Run |
In order to pass the 20-Metre Shuttle Run, applicants must reach level 7 or above. |
Register for Upcoming Sessions |
Sessions: Saturday, April 12, 2025 | 9:00 am at Mohawk College. *Session is Full* To Register: Email policerecruiting@haltonpolice.ca with your name, phone number, indicate whether this will be your first PREP Mentoring session, and if not, how many you’ve attended and the general time frame of when you last completed one. We’ll respond with further instructions. Space is limited and walk-ins will not be accepted. |